We understand finding a good restaurant to go to while in Siem Reap is challenging and stressful as there are more then 700 of them around this little town.
These are the handpicked restaurants we have been to and taste the food there and we believe this should be a good recommendation for your visit and try out.

Salabai Restaurant School
The French NGO Agir pour le Cambodge (APLC), created in 1985, launched the Sala Baï program in 2002 to fight poverty and human trafficking in Cambodia through social and professional training of young underprivileged Cambodians.

Located on Wat Bo Street, Mr. Grill Restaurant has been a successful restaurant since 2008 until present. We are proud of ourselves to present the best Khmer food, especially Cambodian steaks and grilled food in Siem Reap. We ensure that all customers would have an enjoyable experience and a real taste of Cambodian delicacy with reasonable prices and high standard of food quality.

Marum Restaurant
Take a break from temple touring and enjoy creative local cuisine, delicious cocktails and fruit shakes, made using only the freshest ingredients. All our dishes are designed to be shared so grab a friend and savor a little bit of everything!

OliveCuisine De Saison Restaurant
Olive Cuisine de Saison in Siem Reap has been open for nearly a year, but it’s taken me this long to review it. Can I pretend that’s because I wanted to see if the good quality of their French and Mediterranean fare held up for this long? Well, it has.

Changkran Khmer Restaurant
Changkran Khmer came to life through Chef Mongkol’s love for traditional Khmer cuisine and his drive to serve the less fortunate around him.
Prepare to go back in time as you uncover the secrets of our traditional Khmer cuisine. We’ll deliver an unparalleled fine dining experience infused with Cambodia’s unique stories and culture.

Spoon Restaurant
THE SPOON RESTAURANT was started with a goal to serve quality foods and to provide an unique dining experience for both local and foreign customers. Ultimately, we want to create an environment where luxury and quality food co-exist. And of course to serve the best quality of foods and to provide the best service to our valued customers.
To achieve that, we have reknown local chefs and well-trained staffs to ensure that each and every one of our customers will have a wonderful time with us.

Heaven Restaurant
HAVEN is a social enterprise and a training restaurant for vulnerable young adults from shelters, as well
as underprivileged young adults from very poor rural areas. By teaching quality work skills as well as important life skills, we empower these young people by preparing them for employment and by helping them in their personal development, creating safe and independent futures.

55 Kitchen & Bar
This new restaurant is located right in the center of Siem Reap in front of the old market. As it is brand new, it is nicely decorated and clean. The staff is friendly. The food is really good and different from what you can find in other restaurants. The French Chef really committed himself in making original and tasty food.